This is a conceptual project that proposes a system of timekeeping based on the rotations of the so-called Crab Pulsar.
A pulsar is a spinning neutron star, formed in a supernova, that emits radiation from either pole. This radiation is perceived as pulsing from earth. In the case of the Crab Pulsar the spin/pulse rate is around 30 pulses per second. Crab is the only pulsar perceivable from earth created in a supernova that was seen by ancient humans.
Since its inception in 1054 the Crab Pulsar has been gradually slowing down, this is accounted for in the 'Right Now' pulse count by a constantly updating integral equation using the time function available in Java. That said, the numbers that appear are only an approximation.
The look of the page is based on the idea of Default Design. This style of web design relies on the default colors and fonts held in code.
This page pulses at a rate of 3 times per second, about 10 times slower than the crab pulsar.