Crab Pulsar Timeline

Right Now

~ pulses

Water Discovered on Mars
~9.31830708853568 x 10^14 pulses
First Extrasolar Planet Recorded
~9.12346386242016 x 10^14 pulses
Crab Nebula Re-Discovered
~8.85074880489088 x 10^14 pulses
Detection of Microwave Background Radiation
~8.82153386320256 x 10^14 pulses
Oort Cloud Discovered
~8.68520905665184 x 10^14 pulses
Theory of the Big Bang Published
~8.46128830332256 x 10^14 pulses
Discovery of Non-Milkyway Galaxies
~8.43208504527392 x 10^14 pulses
Theory of General Relativity Published
~8.34448052753088 x 10^14 pulses
Theory of Special Relativity Published
~8.14983204725232 x 10^14 pulses
Peak of the British Empire
~8.14983204725230 x 10^14 pulses
Aether Disproved
~8.071983554801925 x 10^14 pulses
Entropy Defined
~7.85793231028336 x 10^14 pulses
Doppler Effect Discovered
~7.6342018087256 x 10^14 pulses
Morse Patented the Telegraph
~7.58557155198432 x 10^14 pulses
Decline of Ottoman Empire
~7.49804321702736 x 10^14 pulses
First Organic Molecule Synthesized
~7.498043217020423 x 10^14 pulses
Creation of the Austrian Empire
~7.27439548044288 x 10^14 pulses
First Eurpopean Colonies in Australia
~7.10912368949216 x 10^14 pulses
Law of Gravity Established
~6.12779392868368 x 10^14 pulses
Speed of Light Determined
~6.020976269112 x 10^14 pulses
East India Trading Co. Established
~5.28328429685936 x 10^14 pulses
Iriquois Confederacy Founded
~4.9922443952336 x 10^14 pulses
Tsardom of Russia Established
~4.81766235939408 x 10^14 pulses
Gregorian Calender Put into Use
~5.10864987855216 x 10^14 pulses
Heliocentric Model Developed
~4.73038312505488 x 10^14 pulses
Spaniards Dismantle Incan Empire
~4.63341541037408 x 10^14 pulses
Peak of the Incan Empire
~3.75145467934832 x 10^14 pulses
First European Colony in Africa
~3.48992837717008 x 10^14 pulses
Beginning of the Spanish Empire
~3.37371712877744 x 10^14 pulses
Clocks Synchronized for the First Time
~3.05420809206032 x 10^14 pulses
Fall of the Yuan Dynasty
~3.04452764589824 x 101^4 pulses
Creation of the Vijayanagara Empire
~2.72512722378816 x 10^14 pulses
Explanation of Rainbows
~2.41550624560352 x 10^14 pulses
Rise of Ottoman Empire
~2.36713691711696 x 10^14 pulses
Fall of the Song Empire
~2.17368378602176 x 10^14
Peak of Mongol Empire
~1.90291439450784 x 10^14 pulses
France First Conquers Borderlands
~1.80622941256304 x 10^14 pulses
German Crusaders Conquer Estonia
~1.6708866798888 x 10^14 pulses
Fibbonacci's Sequence Determined
~1.4292503519312 x 10^14 pulses
First Record of Windmills
~1.26497215119456 x 10^14 pulses
Use of a Magnetic Compass First Recorded
~3.2815416748608 x 10^13 pulses
Length of a Year First Estimated
~2.4127897070192 x 10^13 pulses
Fall of the Byzantium Empire
~1.6406313719072 x 10^13
Normans Conquer Sicily
~1.4476014399184 x 10^13
Crab's Supernova Recorded By Prehistoric Peoples
~0 pulses